Tag Archives: Veterans for Peace

Armistice Day Concert at the Barrymore Theatre Sat., Nov. 11th

Saturday, November 11, 2017 at 7:00 p.m.
The Clarence Kailin Chapter 25 of Veterans For
Peace and The Progressive magazine present
in a Benefit for The Progressive
(U.S. Army Reserves 1965-1971, 317th Military History Detachment)
(Vietnam veteran 1970-1971, 212th and 595th Sentry Dog Companies, 89th Military Police Battalion)
(Vietnam veteran 1963-1970, 25th Infantry Division)
The Madison Gospelaires and Mad City Funk.
plus Emcee
(Vietnam veteran 1965-1966, combat journalist with the U.S. Army 1st Infantry Division)
Tickets: $15.00
$10.00 at the Door for Veterans and Unemployed.
Advance tickets only available on-line and by phone at (608) 241-8633, with $2.00 credit card convenience charge.


SATURDAY NOV. 11, 2017 at 7pm at the BARRYMORE THEATRE, 2090 Atwood Avenue in Madison, WI.  $15 at the door ($10 for veterans and unemployed).

“When I was a boy…all the people of all the nations which had fought in the First World War were silent during the eleventh minute of the eleventh hour of Armistice Day, which was the eleventh day of the eleventh month. It was during that minute in nineteen hundred and eighteen, that millions upon millions of human beings stopped butchering one another…Armistice Day has become Veterans’ Day. Armistice Day was sacred. Veterans’ Day is not.” – Kurt Vonnegut, World War II veteran and author.
“Armistice Day was a hallowed anniversary because it was supposed to protect future life from future wars. Veterans Day, instead, celebrates “heroes” and encourages others to dream of playing the hero themselves, covering themselves in valor.” – Rory Fanning, Iraq War veteran and conscientious objector.
“This year with a rise of hate and fear around the world it is as urgent as ever to ring the bells of peace. We in the U.S. must press our government to end reckless rhetoric and military interventions that endanger the entire world. Instead of celebrating militarism, we want to celebrate peace and all of humanity.” -Veterans for Peace 2017 action statement.
“This year with a rise of hate and fear around the world it is as urgent as ever to ring the bells of peace. We in the U.S. must press our government to end reckless rhetoric and military interventions that endanger the entire world. Instead of celebrating militarism, we want to celebrate peace and all of humanity.” -Veterans for Peace 2017 action statement.

Legendary folk musician and community organizer Si Kahn is returning to Madison this November for a special benefit concert on Armistice Day. Kahn will perform at the Barrymore Theatre on Saturday November 11th at 7pm along with Vietnam veteran musicians Jim Walktendonk and Will Williams, together with the Madison Gospelaires and Mad City Funk band. The show, co-sponsored by the Clarence Kailin Chapter 25 of Veterans For Peace and The Progressive magazine will be a benefit for The Progressive celebrating 108 years of publishing in Madison. David Giffey, artist and former combat journalist will emcee the show.

Si Kahn has been a musician and organizer for over 50 years, beginning as a volunteer with the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee in Arkansas during the Civil Rights movement. He has continued to live and work in the South, assisting in union struggles, working against the privatization of prisons, and most recently with “Musicians United,” a group working to protect the environment in Bristol Bay, Alaska. He has also written numerous theater works including “Joe Hill’s Last Will,” which was performed in Madison by John McCutcheon in 2015.

Jim Walktendonk has lived and performed in the Madison area for decades. His songs, many influenced by his time in Vietnam and his exposure to Agent Orange defoliant, are personal and powerful. He was featured in the 1987 HBO special “Welcome Home Concert.”

Will Williams and his wife Dot bring beautiful gospel harmonies to the stage. Will is a regular participant in peace and justice events in Madison, and was profiled in the 2009 documentary film “The Good Soldier.”

The Clarence Kailin Chapter 25 of Veterans For Peace is named for the late Spanish Civil War vet whose life was a model for a generation of activists in a variety of movements for peace, justice, and equality. Members will be on hand to share information about their current projects. The Progressive magazine was founded by “Fighting Bob” La Follette in January 1909. It has continued since that day as a voice for peace, social justice, and the common good. The print edition of the magazine is published bi-monthly, with daily content appearing on the web at www.progressive.org.

This years benefit concert is built around the theme, voiced by Veterans for Peace nationally, that November 11th should return to its roots as a day for peace – calling for an end to all wars as it did 99 years ago.

Advance tickets only available on-line at www.barrymorelive.com and by phone at (608) 241-8633, with $2.00 credit card convenience charge.

For more information, contact the Barrymore at 608-241-8864 or The Progressive at 608-257-4626.

Chapter 25 Member’s Art on Display at The Highground Thru August

June—Aug. 2017— Long Shadow: Memories of Vietnam The series consists of six mural-sized acrylic paintings on canvas based on memories and photos David Giffey took as a combat journalist with the Army 1st Infantry Division during the war in Vietnam. Other photographs and captions accompany the exhibit.

The Long Shadow series of paintings and photos by David Giffey, member of Chapter 25 Veterans for Peace, will be exhibited through August 30, 2017, at The Highground veterans’ memorial park, Neillsville, Wisconsin. Giffey also designed the dove mound earth sculpture built at The Highground in 1989.

The first of six mural-sized paintings in the Long Shadow exhibit is shown in the Learning Center building at The Highground. The six paintings are 8 feet x 6 feet,
and are accompanied by photos taken by David Giffey as a U.S. Army combat journalist with the 1st Infantry Division in Vietnam in 1965-66. The paintings were
completed between 1991 to 2013.

The Highground is placed in the center of the State of Wisconsin so that the location is a days trip away from any location in the state.  Please view the directions for the best way to get to us.  Please note that if you were using a GPS we strongly encourage you to follow our route as the GPS unit will want to take you down a different path. See this page on their website for directions.

County Board Honors Atomic Veterans

By Paul McMahon, Chapter 25

On Thursday, July 14, 2016, the Dane County Board of Supervisors unanimously passed a resolution honoring “Atomic Veterans”. Beginning on July 16 th , 2016 and every following July 16th henceforth, Dane County honors the service of those who were victimized by the US government in the name of “safe” atomic weapons research between August 1945 through the passage of the nuclear test ban treaty in 1963 which finally out-lawed atmospheric testing.

The success of the County resolution is in no small manner due to the tireless efforts of Chapter 25 member Lincoln Grahlfs over a great number of years. The resolution was introduced and sponsored by his county supervisor Mary Kolar.

Lincoln Grahfls, Chapter 25 member and Atomic Veteran

Lincoln Grahfls, Chapter 25 member and Atomic Veteran

Chapter 25 commends Lincoln—as well as his fellow “atomic veterans”—for this significant accomplishment. We thank Mary Kolar for her sponsorship and support.

What follows is the resolution, including a summary of the historic plight of the atomic veterans. The resolution was read in full and explained by Supervisor Kolar. (Note: See accompanying photographs taken at the Capitol Lakes Retirement Center two days later, at a program presented by Lincoln.)

County Board Supervisor Mary Kolar, sponsor of 2016 RES-139, Dane County Atomic Veterans Recognition Day July 16

County Board Supervisor Mary Kolar, sponsor of 2016 RES-139, Dane County Atomic Veterans Recognition Day July 16

* * * * * * *

2016 RES-139

Dane County Atomic Veterans Recognition Day July 16

Millions have served our country through military service including in wartime. Most came home and continued to serve their communities in the best ways they were capable of. Veterans Day acknowledges the military service of our fellow citizens; on Memorial Day, we remember those who gave their lives that we may continue to enjoy the freedoms of life in these United States.

While many military service members could expect to face life threatening conditions on battle fronts, most were not prepared nor expected to be a part of our country’s experiments with weapons of mass destruction.

On July 16, 1945, in the New Mexico desert, the first atomic bomb was successfully detonated. Three weeks later, on the 6th and 9th of August, atomic bombs were exploded over the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Though the bombings precipitated the conclusion of war between Japan and the U.S., reaction to the destruction and unfathomable death toll in the two Japanese cities was overwhelming. There were widespread calls from both scientists and lay persons for such weapons to be outlawed.

Yet, there were elements in our government who were intrigued by this new line of weapons. In a short time, the U. S. Navy called for volunteers to participate in a program to test the effectiveness of atomic weapons against naval vessels.

The number of volunteers fell far below expectations, so personnel were simply assigned to this operation, and many others that followed. Between 1945 and 1963, the United States conducted some 235 atmospheric nuclear weapons tests in the Pacific and the American Southwest.

At least 220,000 American service men and women witnessed and participated in these tests, or served in forces occupying Hiroshima and Nagasaki immediately following World War II. They were exposed to the potentially harmful effects of ionizing radiation in these weapons. Many of them have endured serious health consequences.

These service members, who refer to themselves as Atomic Veterans, are generally proud to have served their country.

They feel, however, that they were forced to be subjects in a risky experiment for which they were denied the option of informed consent.

It is only fitting that their dedication to duty be afforded proper recognition by Dane County and be brought to the attention of all Americans.

Be it resolved that July 16th, in this and ensuing years, be known as ATOMIC VETERNS RECOGNITION DAY.

/s/Sharon Corrigan, Chair

Dane County Board of Supervisors

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Book Reading: We Gotta Get Out of This Place

Chapter 25 Welcomes the public at the Madison Urban League for a Special Book reading: We Gotta Get Out of this Place by Craig Werner and Doug Bradley

We Gott Get Out of This PlaceBy Paul McMahon, Madison Veterans for Peace

Madison VFP will sponsor a special public event on Wednesday, December 16, 2015, at the South Madison location of the Urban League, 2222 S. Park Street. The time is 6:30pm – 8pm. Please join us for this unique opportunity to meet VFP members and be introduced to this fascinating book on the music of the Vietnam War from an US soldier’s perspective.

Werner and Bradley spent 10 years interviewing hundreds of veterans and compiling their stories. The stories built around the songs that each veteran recalled most vividly from his or her service.

DougDoug Bradley, author of DROS Vietnam, has written extensively about his Vietnam, and post-Vietnam, experiences. He was drafted into the U.S. Army in March 1970 and served one year as an information specialist (journalist) at U.S. Army Republic of Vietnam (USARV) headquarters near Saigon.

CraigCraig Werner is a widely respected music writer whose book A Change is Gonna Come: Music, Race, and the Soul of America is used in dozens of classes on popular music. He is a member of the Nominating Committee of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.

The authors will present several musical pieces, then open the floor to Q&A.   Books will be available after the presentation.

This is a great chance to connect, or re-connect, with Madison Veterans for Peace.