Tag Archives: Wisconsin

How Much is Enough? A Look at the US Military (Updated)

How much military does the US government have?

U.S. Defense Spending Compared to Other Countries (pgpf.org)

“The United States spends more on national defense than China, India, Russia, United Kingdom, Saudi Arabia, Germany, France, Japan, and South Korea — combined.”

These numbers do not include spending such as:

* Black Budget and secrets
* War Budget and interest on war debt
* Department of Energy (nuclear)
* Other Defense
* Homeland Security
* Military Aid at the State Department
* Intelligence
* Veterans
* Military Retirement


Mapping Militarism *New* from World Beyond War

Maps and background to allow you to explore the world, now and back through the years.

  • Which nations are spending how much money on militaries? Which are spending how much per capita?
  • Which are exporting weapons? Which are importing weapons from the dominant weapons exporter (hint: it’s also the self-appointed captain of the Rules Based Order)?


“The United States of America, unlike any other nation on Earth, maintains a massive network of foreign military bases around the world, more than 900 bases in more than 90 countries and territories. If the peace movement is serious about ending the United States’ and its allies’ warmaking, then this global constellation of bases must be curtailed.

The Biggest Military Base Empire on Earth – Greta Zarro


Counter-terrorism or terrorism?  Interesting maps.  Numbers seem very conservative.

“U.S. bases represent 90-95 percent of the world’s foreign bases, constituting the largest collection of extraterritorial bases in world history…”

Military spending has many points of contention: Closing overseas bases isn’t one of them (2019)  




Comparing US military to China: US has 20 times the nuclear warheads. Twice the tonnage of warships at sea. The US has over 800 overseas bases, China has 3. The US military has over 2000 fighter jets compared to China’s 600, and the Lockheed F-35 program is set to deliver 2500 nuclear capable jets.

Washington Post: The Pentagon is using China as an excuse for huge new budgets




How often does the US distribute weapons to those who use them against us or against innocent civilians and noncombatants. It is illegal for the US to arm human rights abusers or criminals, such as Israel and Saudi Arabia.

The US is Arms Salesman to the World

Home | Stockholm International Peace Research Institute


“…let’s talk military budgets:

The US will spend, if we want to be purists, $716 billion on the military. It’s actually a lot more because the National Security Agency is part of the military, and the CIA to all intents and purposes is military in nature and between them their secret budgets top more than the $50 billion that was leaked in a Congressional hearing eight years ago, and could be double that now since so much more US military activity is now handled by Special Forces acting under the direction of the CIA, but for sake of argument let’s just leave it at $716 billion.

Russia’s military budget is $65 billion, and even if you tripled that to account for how much more expensive everything is in the US from soldiers’ pay to weapons systems would represent less than a third of what the US spends.

China’s military budget is $183 billion, and again, you could double that if you like to account for different costs and it would still be less than half of the US military budget.

That is to say, even if you put the Chinese and Russian militaries together, their budgets would be significantly smaller than the US military budget.”

Let’s Stop Pretending Russia and China are Military Threats BY DAVE LINDORFF


“MEMBERS OF THE U.S. special operations forces deployed to 154 countries, or roughly 80 percent of the world’s nations, last year, but information about exactly where elite forces conduct missions, under what authorities they operate, who they’ve killed, and whether they’re adhering to the laws of armed conflict is closely guarded, buried in obscure legal provisions, shrouded in secrecy, or allegedly unknown even to Special Operations Command…”

The Intercept, March 20, 2021






Military dot com: Base Guide  



“Today, while there are no foreign bases in the United States, there are around 800 U.S. bases in foreign countries…”

The official website for writer and professor David Vine



“It’s hard to say since this country has long been working to create and support global arsenals of autocracy.  If the arms industry were truly focused on “defending democracy” on this planet, its firms would have already allowed the above-mentioned reforms to go through without objection, or even, heaven forbid, supported them. The fact that they won’t do so tells you all you need to know about their true intentions in what is for them a genuine gold-rush moment.”


“It’s not a matter of whether the war is not real or if it is. Victory is not possible.
The war is not meant to be won. It is meant to be continuous. A hierarchical society is only possible on the basis of poverty and ignorance.”

~ George Orwell ~

Will Veterans Tested On Like Lincoln Receive Help from US Government

Nuclear Weapons Use at Bikini


F. Lincoln Grahlfs is now 101 years old and the oldest Atomic Veteran remaining who was subject to nuclear weapons testing. For some reason, the Congress is so far not continuing the Radiation Exposure Compensation Act.  Will they ignore the harm done or is it grandstanding?  

After being tested on with nuclear weapons, some doctors thought X-rays might help those who were getting sick. Navy sailor, F. Lincoln Grahlfs:

“He said: “We call that the hair of the dog that bit you.” …I am affected by this thing as far as I am concerned LIFETIME because it’s in my blood.”

NPR: ‘Atomic veterans’ battle with Congress for benefits


LISTEN IN: Military servicemembers who took part in the country’s nuclear testing program are on the verge of losing federal benefits 



“The United States Radiation Exposure Compensation Act (RECA) is a federal statute implemented in 1990, set to expire in July 2024, providing for the monetary compensation of people, including atomic veterans, who contracted cancer and a number of other specified diseases as a direct result of their exposure to atmospheric nuclear testing undertaken by the United States during the Cold War as residents, or their exposure to radon gas and other radioactive isotopes while undertaking uranium mining, milling or the transportation of ore…”

Radiation Exposure Compensation Act – Wikipedia



  1. Voices from Ground Zero: Recollections and Feelings of Nuclear Test Veterans – F. Lincoln Grahlfs – Google Books
  2. US Senate votes to expand radiation-exposure compensation, from Guam to original A-bomb test site | AP News
  3. Veterans and Nuclear Radiation Exposure | C-SPAN.org
  4. Veterans of US atomic age deserve compensation (militarytimes.com)
  5. ‘You can’t live with them’: Madison WWII vet exposed to atomic testing warns about nuclear weapons
  6. Civil Division | Radiation Exposure Compensation Act (justice.gov)
  7. Classified US nuclear test films saved for posterity (newatlas.com)


May 2024      Arms Control Association
By Chris Rostampour

“Communities adversely affected by U.S. nuclear testing and weapons production activities in the early years of the nuclear age and their congressional representatives are urging the House of Representatives to reauthorize and expand an expiring federal program that compensates victims of nuclear radiation.”
U.S. House Under Pressure to Renew Aid for ‘Downwinders’


Please support and follow:

No Nukes ~ Back from the Brink ~ Take Action Madison Wisconsin

The Madison Back from the Brink Resolution (Resolution #79719) will be voted on by the  Madison City Council on Tuesday night, 10/3/23 at 6:30 pm

Back from Brink Resolutions call on our federal government to:

• Actively pursue a verifiable agreement among nuclear-armed states to eliminate their
nuclear arsenals. (Download more information)

• Renounce the option of using nuclear weapons first. (Download more information)

• End the president’s sole, unchecked authority to launch a nuclear attack. (Download more information)

• Take U.S. nuclear weapons off hair-trigger (launch ready) alert. (Download more information)

• Cancel the plan to replace the entire U.S. arsenal with enhanced weapons. (Download more information)

Contact Alders by 10/3/2023 

• Email or call your Common Council member. Ask them to vote in support of Resolution #79719

If you are not sure who your alderperson is, you can do one of the following:
o Find Alder by Address
o Find Alder by Map

• Email the entire Common Council using the online contact form.

• Call the Common Council Office at (608) 266-4071 to leave a message for the entire
Common Council.

Letter template for Alder contact 


Register Your Support on 10/2/23-10/3/23
1. Go to www.cityofmadison.com/MeetingRegistration.
2. Select under Meeting: City Council 10/3/23 6:30 pm. Agenda Item is Resolution
3. Register your support. You do not need to speak. List your contact info and register.

Read the Mayor of Madison’s recent post about
divesting from nuclear weapons.

This information from Physicians for Social Responsibility

source document 2023-9-27 Action alert 3b____ (1)

Ban Nuclear Weapons ~ Madison Alder Contact ~ #BackFromTheBrink

Contact city alders and be sure they have all of the following information and links.

Dear Alder:

We/I write to ask you to support a City of Madison Back from the Brink (BftB) Resolution. It calls on the federal government to honor the Nonproliferation Treaty of 1970 (NPT), embrace the United Nations Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) of 2021 and take the following steps to reduce the risk of nuclear war:

Madison, Wisconsin declared itself a nuclear free zone in a 1983 ordinance and passed a proclamation in 2019 commemorating August 6th as Hiroshima Day and August 9th as Nagasaki Day. The 2019 proclamation also called on the US to live up to its obligations under the 1970 Non-Proliferation Treaty and cancel the nuclear weapons modernization program.

We are asking for the City to make a financial commitment that aligns with its history of advocacy for nuclear disarmament. The Madison Back from the Brink Resolution includes a pledge by the City to end investments in and contracts with companies involved in nuclear weapons production such as those listed in the 2022 Don’t Bank on the Bomb “Hall of Shame”.  We look forward to developing a workable plan with City of Madison staff.

Over sixty-five US cities have passed the Back from the Brink Resolution.

Fifteen US cities have so far passed resolutions committing themselves to nuclear weapon free investments and/or contracts.


For additional information, see links below:

-12/2022 Background on Back from the Brink.

– Summary of Divestment Information

 – PSR Wisconsin Back from the Brink web page


We are eagerly awaiting your support of this Resolution.




Back from the Brink resolution Co-sponsors:

  • 350 Madison,
  • Dane County Chapter of United Nations Association,
  • First Unitarian Society Social Justice Ministry,
  • Four Lakes Green Party, 
  • Friends Meeting of Madison,
  • Interfaith Peace Working Group
  • Madison Mennonite Church,
  • Physicians for Social Responsibility – Wisconsin,
  • Prairie Unitarian Universalist Society Social Action Committee,
  • Progressive Dane,
  • Raging Grannies of Madison/Dane County, 
  • Reverend Franz Rigert, Conference Minister of General Synod of United Church of Christ (UCC passed the resolution at the General Synod in June 2019),
  • Veterans for Peace – Chapter 25,
  • Wisconsin Network for Peace & Justice
  • Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom and
  • World BEYOND War