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Will Veterans Tested On Like Lincoln Receive Help from US Government

Nuclear Weapons Use at Bikini


F. Lincoln Grahlfs is now 101 years old and the oldest Atomic Veteran remaining who was subject to nuclear weapons testing. For some reason, the Congress is so far not continuing the Radiation Exposure Compensation Act.  Will they ignore the harm done or is it grandstanding?  

After being tested on with nuclear weapons, some doctors thought X-rays might help those who were getting sick. Navy sailor, F. Lincoln Grahlfs:

“He said: “We call that the hair of the dog that bit you.” …I am affected by this thing as far as I am concerned LIFETIME because it’s in my blood.”

NPR: ‘Atomic veterans’ battle with Congress for benefits


LISTEN IN: Military servicemembers who took part in the country’s nuclear testing program are on the verge of losing federal benefits 



“The United States Radiation Exposure Compensation Act (RECA) is a federal statute implemented in 1990, set to expire in July 2024, providing for the monetary compensation of people, including atomic veterans, who contracted cancer and a number of other specified diseases as a direct result of their exposure to atmospheric nuclear testing undertaken by the United States during the Cold War as residents, or their exposure to radon gas and other radioactive isotopes while undertaking uranium mining, milling or the transportation of ore…”

Radiation Exposure Compensation Act – Wikipedia



  1. Voices from Ground Zero: Recollections and Feelings of Nuclear Test Veterans – F. Lincoln Grahlfs – Google Books
  2. US Senate votes to expand radiation-exposure compensation, from Guam to original A-bomb test site | AP News
  3. Veterans and Nuclear Radiation Exposure |
  4. Veterans of US atomic age deserve compensation (
  5. ‘You can’t live with them’: Madison WWII vet exposed to atomic testing warns about nuclear weapons
  6. Civil Division | Radiation Exposure Compensation Act (
  7. Classified US nuclear test films saved for posterity (


May 2024      Arms Control Association
By Chris Rostampour

“Communities adversely affected by U.S. nuclear testing and weapons production activities in the early years of the nuclear age and their congressional representatives are urging the House of Representatives to reauthorize and expand an expiring federal program that compensates victims of nuclear radiation.”
U.S. House Under Pressure to Renew Aid for ‘Downwinders’


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Please Join Us for Memorial Day and Week To Remember

In our thoughts and memories.

Let us remember those lost and learn from the past.

Join us in putting up simulated grave markers at Olbrich Park 9 am on Saturday May 25 and bringing them down Saturday June 1st.starting 9 am



Join us at the Gates of Heaven Synagogue on Monday May 27 at 1pm for the annual Peace Rally.

Speaker Robert Koehler
Reaching for Peace Beyond Our Certainties

James Madison Park
302 E. Gorham Street Madison, Wisconsin 53703



Organized by Progressive Magazine and Veterans for Peace.

The Progressive Inc. publishes The Progressive magazine and They also operate the Public Schools Advocate and the Progressive Media Project/Progressive Perspectives as well as the annual “Fighting Bob Fest.”

Memorial Mile 2022 ~ Olbrich Park & Atwood Ave ~ | Veterans for Peace (

~ All Freedom for All People ~ #Palestine

Rafah correspondent Khuloud Rabah Sulaiman details daily life in Gaza at the Electronic Intifada

Middle East Children’s Alliance (MECA)

MRSCP has launched a major fundraising drive to benefit the Middle East Children’s Alliance (MECA) Gaza emergency fund. They have set up this online Madison-specific contribution page, where you can donate directly to the campaign. Any amount, no matter how small, is appreciated.

You can also use the QR code at the end of this email. 


If you want to get more perspectives beyond the mainstream: 
  • Jewish Voice for Peace on the Mainstream Media’s March to War
  • Al Mezan Center for Human Rights, Gaza
  • Palestinian Centre for Human Rights (PCHR), Gaza City (Wait for captcha check box to load)
  • The Guardian – Gaza
  • Middle East Eye
  • Mondoweiss
  • +972 Magazine
  • Electronic Intifada
  • We Are Not Numbers
  • Al Jazeera Breaking News, World News, and Video
  • BBC Live
  • Palestine News Network PNN
May be a graphic of text

More peace and justice events:

War Crimes Update – US Presidents

Every living US President is a war criminal.

#Biden record on war crimes.

Joe Biden not only voted for the Iraq War, but he worked to sell the war.

Biden bombed Iraq. Biden bombed Syria. He bombed Yemen without approval by the UN Security Council. Bombing 60 sites is not defense. That was just a beginning, the crimes continue.

Few of these nations attacked the US first, that is aggressive war crimes. Preemptive war is a war crime.

He was commander as the US attacked the NordStream pipeline, blowing up the Crimean Bridge and attacking the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant were all war crimes, attacks on infrastructure that are not military targets. Biden arms the Ukrainians as they are slaughtered. They do not need to be sacrificed in order to fight a war with Russia, a proxy war.

Biden is a self-proclaimed Zionist who ignores the suffering and crimes committed on Palestinians. Biden arms criminals in Israel and in Saudi Arabia. It is illegal to arm criminals or to fund a side in a civil war.

Biden continues throughout his presidency illegal drone assassinations.

The Geneva conventions, and the UN charter and treaties with the power of U.S. law under the constitution.

Trump is also a war criminal. Trump bombed Syrians and Iranians. Trump continued illegal war crimes and empire across the world.

Trump accelerated the illegal drone assassinations, and he classified the information about them in a way that people could not see. He created more secrets.

You can bet Trump had the mercenaries busy. In Ukraine for instance. That has been going on for years. Trump is close to crazy greedy religious fanatics like Erik Prince


Democratic principles include transparency, accountability and rule of law.  Often the propaganda is telling us to violate rule of law and to treat some people as if they are more equal than others.  In the end, this is to benefit the corporate machine, ruling 1% richest few and the puppet politicians.


In addition, the US Congress and Senate fund the crimes and the weapons.  More crimes.