~ Link to 2024 Madison scholarship information ~
Madison Veterans for Peace Chapter 25 has a number of opportunities available to our local youth. Communicating with young people when they are forming ideas is critically important in order for them to learn more about the big picture and develop empathy for others.
In an effort to reach local youth, VFP has two programs available:
- Truth in Recruiting – Madison VFP works to educate and inform young people to the realities of military service and give them options. We have developed relationships with teachers and administrators in certain high schools that permit us to set up informational tables and discuss the alternatives to military service while recruiters are in the building.
- Scholarships – Madison VFP sponsors an annual essay contest.
Schools Outside Madison
For more information on the eligible rural high schools, contact David Giffey at [email protected] for guidance.
Madison School District
For information on eligible Madison public high schools, contact Paul McMahon at [email protected].

David Giffey and E. Cobb, high school Truth-in-Recruiting table