Category Archives: Clarence Kailin Chapter 25

How Much is Enough? A Look at the US Military (Updated)

How much military does the US government have?

U.S. Defense Spending Compared to Other Countries (

“The United States spends more on national defense than China, India, Russia, United Kingdom, Saudi Arabia, Germany, France, Japan, and South Korea — combined.”

These numbers do not include spending such as:

* War Budget and interest on war debt
* Department of Energy (nuclear)
* Other Defense
* Homeland Security
* Military Aid at the State Department
* Intelligence
* Veterans
* Military Retirement


Mapping Militarism *New* from World Beyond War

Maps and background to allow you to explore the world, now and back through the years.

  • Which nations are spending how much money on militaries? Which are spending how much per capita?
  • Which are exporting weapons? Which are importing weapons from the dominant weapons exporter (hint: it’s also the self-appointed captain of the Rules Based Order)?


Counter-terrorism or terrorism?  Interesting maps.  Numbers seem very conservative.

“U.S. bases represent 90-95 percent of the world’s foreign bases, constituting the largest collection of extraterritorial bases in world history…”

Military spending has many points of contention: Closing overseas bases isn’t one of them (2019)  


USA’s Military Empire: A Visual Database



Comparing US military to China: US has 20 times the nuclear warheads. Twice the tonnage of warships at sea. The US has over 800 overseas bases, China has 3. The US military has over 2000 fighter jets compared to China’s 600, and the Lockheed F-35 program is set to deliver 2500 nuclear capable jets.

Washington Post: The Pentagon is using China as an excuse for huge new budgets



How often does the US distribute weapons to those who use them against us or against innocent civilians and noncombatants. It is illegal for the US to arm human rights abusers or criminals, such as Israel and Saudi Arabia.

The US is Arms Salesman to the World

Home | Stockholm International Peace Research Institute


“…let’s talk military budgets:

The US will spend, if we want to be purists, $716 billion on the military. It’s actually a lot more because the National Security Agency is part of the military, and the CIA to all intents and purposes is military in nature and between them their secret budgets top more than the $50 billion that was leaked in a Congressional hearing eight years ago, and could be double that now since so much more US military activity is now handled by Special Forces acting under the direction of the CIA, but for sake of argument let’s just leave it at $716 billion.

Russia’s military budget is $65 billion, and even if you tripled that to account for how much more expensive everything is in the US from soldiers’ pay to weapons systems would represent less than a third of what the US spends.

China’s military budget is $183 billion, and again, you could double that if you like to account for different costs and it would still be less than half of the US military budget.

That is to say, even if you put the Chinese and Russian militaries together, their budgets would be significantly smaller than the US military budget.”

Let’s Stop Pretending Russia and China are Military Threats BY DAVE LINDORFF



“The US today is the main imperialist power in the world and responsible for around 1,000 foreign bases in about 172 countries. This is around 20 times the number of foreign military bases as all other countries in the world combined. The countries with the second and third highest number of foreign bases are Britain and France, 2 of the US’s NATO allies.”

International Conference Against US/NATO Military Bases




“MEMBERS OF THE U.S. special operations forces deployed to 154 countries, or roughly 80 percent of the world’s nations, last year, but information about exactly where elite forces conduct missions, under what authorities they operate, who they’ve killed, and whether they’re adhering to the laws of armed conflict is closely guarded, buried in obscure legal provisions, shrouded in secrecy, or allegedly unknown even to Special Operations Command…”

The Intercept, March 20, 2021






Military dot com: Base Guide  



“Today, while there are no foreign bases in the United States, there are around 800 U.S. bases in foreign countries…”

The official website for writer and professor David Vine



“It’s hard to say since this country has long been working to create and support global arsenals of autocracy.  If the arms industry were truly focused on “defending democracy” on this planet, its firms would have already allowed the above-mentioned reforms to go through without objection, or even, heaven forbid, supported them. The fact that they won’t do so tells you all you need to know about their true intentions in what is for them a genuine gold-rush moment.”


“It’s not a matter of whether the war is not real or if it is. Victory is not possible.
The war is not meant to be won. It is meant to be continuous. A hierarchical society is only possible on the basis of poverty and ignorance.”

~ George Orwell ~

An Open Letter on F-35 Scam to Baldwin

An Open Letter

F35ad_WSJ 07-24-2022_(3)

Our US Senators from Wisconsin are working for the war profiteers, please show them your dissatisfaction.  Please consider taking part in this action. 

Brad Geyer


Sunday morning, July 24, a full-page ad was placed in the Wisconsin State Journal sponsored by Safe Skies Clean Water. (There will be a half-page one in the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel.)

The ad is an Open Letter to Senator Tammy Baldwin regarding the F-35 basing. It is signed by about 50 people who have been major contributors to her campaigns and urges her to reconsider her position in favor of the F-35 project.

Contact your elected officials and tell them how you feel on this scam from the military industrial complex.


Use your own words to tell Sen. Tammy Baldwin why you think it is a bad idea to put these dangerous and wasteful fighter jets in the midst of a high-density, low-income community that is already challenged by various environmental and racial injustices.

Thank you immensely for helping us to pressure the senator to do the right thing before it is too late!

Hannah, Jody, Tom and more

on behalf of Safe Skies Clean Water Wisconsin

Memorial Mile 2022 ~ Olbrich Park & Atwood Ave ~

This time of the year, those of us involved with Veterans for Peace, believe it is important to recognize the significant loss of lives that our nation [and the world] have experienced. We may have borders, but we are also a part of this world. Understanding our loss may be a step in changing our ways. Having empathy for the loss of others is another step towards change and progress.

In a few hours, we placed around 7,000 simulated grave markers. Although, the early risers may have been putting down the design as early as 6am, who knows.  I was sleeping at that time.

“Donuts, coffee, peanuts, soda and wonderful conversation made the job…”  – Tom Glassel

“Great photos, Tom!  Great, hard-working volunteers!  So well organized – excellent work early on by John, Phil, Jeff, and Steve: Bravo!  And we made a very good connection with the local press: photographer Kayla Wolf of the Wisconsin State Journal.  Excellent conversations and outreach with the public.  Two of my students (2nd and 4th graders) brought their Mom to walk the Mile, and will report to their classes.
Onwards!  Peace!  Larry


“Volunteers gathered at Olbrich Park on Saturday to help Veterans for Peace Chapter #25 set up the Memorial Mile.

Over the past two years, the long stretch of tombstones that are placed to remind people of the worst cost of war could not be set up because of COVID-19.

On Saturday though, with the community’s help, the Memorial Mile made its return.”

Link to article and video….

Channel 3 News: Memorial Mile makes return to Madison ahead of Memorial Day



Memorial Day (originally known as Decoration Day) is a day for mourning the U.S. military personnel who have died while serving in the armed forces.