Tag Archives: nuclear weapons

Lanterns for Peace 2022

We joined Wisconsin Physicians for Social Responsibility for this family friendly event to commemorate the lives lost in the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings 77 years ago and make sure that such nuclear attacks never again take place. We remember the past, so that we can envision and work for a peaceful, just and nuclear-free future.

LISTEN IN TO wort 89.9FM ~  Hannah Mortensen from Physicians for Social Responsibility Wisconsin talks about their upcoming “Lanterns for Peace” event on August 7th, to remember the 77th anniversary of the dropping of atomic bombs on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Open to public at 6:30pm for people to create lanterns
Program starts at 7:30pm
Lanterns start going out at dusk approximately 7:45-8:00pm

The event will be open to the public to attend at Tenney Park outside of the John Wall Family Pavilion and (weather & temperature depending) the entire event will be held outdoors. You are welcome to mail in your lantern if you cannot be in attendance. Please wear a mask if you are unvaccinated and maintain social distancing.

More information >> https://psr-wisconsin.org/lanterns-for-peace


2022 Event Sponsors:
– The Friends Meeting of Madison
– Interfaith Peace Working Group (IPWG)
– Linda and Gene Farley Center for Peace, Justice & Sustainability
– Madison Raging Grannies
– Madison Veterans for Peace
– Madison Women’s International League for Peace & Freedom (WILPF)
– Nukewatch
– PC Foundation
– Safe Skies Clean Water Wisconsin
– United Nations Association of Dane County
– Wisconsin Coalition to Ground the Drones and End the Wars
– Wisconsin Network for Peace and Justice

*PS: PSR WI has reused the styrofoam bases, candles and skewer sticks for the lanterns for at least 6 years. PSR WI removes all the materials from the Tenney Park Lagoon and we leave no trace.

Lanterns for Peace — PSR Wisconsin (psr-wisconsin.org)

“I wanted to thank you once again for supporting Lanterns for Peace 2022! I am feeling uplifted and inspired to continue our work for a better world after the event.

Follow this link for photos and a few videos.

You are free to download any of them and use as you wish > https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1agPWdb-JrHgnRkyHZt_ylJGrm196Cvrt?usp=sharing

Thanks again


PSR Wisconsin



720 Hill Street, Suite 200, Madison, WI 53705








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Peace Walks ~ for Ukraine and the World ~ Fri August 19 @ 6

Peace Walks for Ukraine and the World

Join us to walk to promote and demand peace. 

For your calendar, here are two Peace Walks in August with special speakers.  Details below and updates are posted here.

  • Friday, Aug 19 at 6 pm – Special speaker Zubeir Haroun  

  • Friday, Aug 26 at 6 pm – Special speaker Lisa Masri


On August 19, we are so very pleased that Zubeir Haroun will give a talk about Libya.   Zubeir was born in Tripoli, Libya and lived there until 2007.  He will explain the situation in Libya after the so-called Arab spring, a rare event in which Libyans could have had a chance for prosperity but instead it slipped into a nightmare and chaos.  He’ll talk about the negative role of NATO, and how the US could have helped better.  He’ll present a brief history of Libya, the formation of Libya, and how we got here.   Zubeir recently moved with his family to Madison and they have participated in Madison Peace Walks.

We’re delighted to welcome Lisa Masri to speak at the Peace Walk on July 22.  Lisa and her family recently moved to Madison, and she’s participated in the Peace Walks for Ukraine and the World.  Before coming here, she lived in Palestine for 14 years, doing education and nonviolent accompaniment work with Project Hope and the Ecumenical Accompaniment Project.  Her peace work there in the West Bank was with youth, adults, and international volunteers, and included being an international presence in hot spots, and teaching English, French, drama, and circus arts.  Lisa will share about her work and answer your questions.

No to Nuclear ~ Help Strengthen the Treaty

Roxane Assaf-LynnATTENTION STUDENT GROUP LEADERS: You’re invited to sign on as a co-sponsor to “Defuse Nuclear War” on the 40th anniversary of a history-making event in Central Park, New York. 
Thanks from RootsAction.org CONTACT: Rox@RootsAction.org

Sign Up Your Organization to Co-Sponsor the “Defuse Nuclear War” Live Stream Event June 12 


sign on, if you agree 




The power to initiate a global apocalypse lies in the hands of the leaders of nine nations.

As 122 nations of the world indicated when they adopted the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in July, 2017, this is unacceptable.

As concerns about the threat of nuclear weapons re-enter the public consciousness, it is important to know that humankind is not without an answer to the nuclear threat. The Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons, which entered into force on January 22, 2021, provides a clear pathway to the elimination of the nuclear threat.

We call on all nuclear armed states to take immediate steps to:

  • engage the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons,
  • attend the First Meeting of States Parties, and
  • sign, ratify and implement the Treaty.

We also call on the US media to recognize the existence of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons and to include the Treaty in discussions, articles, and editorials regarding the nuclear threat and methods available to address it.


Talk World Radio:
Norman Solomon on Defusing Nuclear War

David Swanson:  “This week on Talk World Radio, we’re talking about Ukraine and nuclear weapons with Norman Solomon who is Co-Founder and National Director of RootsAction.org. Norman also founded the Institute for Public Accuracy in 1997 and is its executive director. Immersed in anti-war, social justice, and environmental movements since the late 1960s, he is the author of a dozen books including “War Made Easy” and “Made Love, Got War.”


artist:  Yoshitomo Nara

March to Oppose the Military Industrial Complex at Truax Field, Madison, Wisconsin

Mobilization to protest F-35s at Truax – June 26 at 2pm
see you at Madison College K2 parking lot


Follow this link to Safe Skies Clean Water Wisconsin website.  Sign up for updates there.
Mobilize at Truax: F-35s won’t let us thrive – June 26


Start gathering at 2:00 pm, Madison College parking lot, for information, music & lyrics. Head to Truax gates – for speakers and follow-up actions.

More at Safe Skies Website

F-35 fighter jets are not just a local problem. In addition to endangering the health and safety of residents in neighborhoods where they are based, they represent the worst of government wasteful spending, profits to private weapons manufacturers despite faulty products, and harmful foreign policy, distributing F-35s to other countries (at US taxpayer expense), thus encouraging the use of force over diplomacy.

Now that it is safe for most of us to gather in person, it’s time to pull together to create more awareness and demand NO F-35s.