Tag Archives: event

Feb 22 Updates Peace, Justice and War
If you find worthwhile posts, articles or videos please share.
– For Peace and Justice
Brad Geyer, Chapter Contact
Our Peace Book Club VFP Madison
Defuse Nuclear War – War Abolition Walk Feb 24 at 2:30 – Madison – Safe Skies Clean Water Wisconsin
Meet with Mark Pocan’s staff Dane Varese, Visit Mayor Satya Rhodes-Conway’s office and War Abolition Walk at 4pm. Join us for as much or little as you want.
Fund Communities, Not War – CODEPINK – Women for Peace Feb 22, 2023
“After the People Over Pentagon Act was re-introduced by Representatives Barbara Lee (D-Calif.) and Mark Pocan (D-Wisc.), CODEPINK and other allies dropped a banner inside the House of Representatives Cannon Building rotunda that reads, FUND COMMUNITIES, NOT WAR.”
The bill introduced would cut $100 billion from the well-over three-quarters-of-a-trillion dollar Pentagon budget, reducing waste and redirecting this funding to other priorities. The agency’s budget in Fiscal Year 2023 is a whopping $858 billion. Despite never passing an audit, the Pentagon often receives tens of billions of additional dollars from Congress in each budget cycle…”
Veterans for Peace is welcome. We will be showing the documentary Theaters of War on Friday evening. More to come,
Speakers & a Panel discussion “Why we should Ground the F-35 and Abolish War”
- Vicki Berenson & Steven Klafka, Safe Skies Clean Water Wisconsin
- Danaka Katovich, National Co-Director, CODEPINK Women for Peace and Ground the F-35s Program Coordinator
- Brian Terrell, Strangers & Guests Catholic Worker, Maloy, Iowa & Nevada Desert Experience
- and more
Ukraine, One Year Later, Code Pink and Friends Video discussion
Madison Action Alert from Physicians for Social Responsibility:
3 easy steps to contact your Alder (Madison residents) on abolishing nuclear weapons and #BackFromtheBrink Campaign;
1. Find your City Alder and their contact information by clicking here.
2. Customize this linked letter to send to your alder by mail or email.
3. You can also use this letter to help you make a call to your alder.
If you like, let PSR WI [email protected] know which Alder you reached and their response. This helps PSR track Alders contacted along with their stance. If you are not in Madison, please consider letting your legislators know your thoughts on abolishing nuclear weapons.
Back from the Brink Background – PSR Wisconsin
VFP Madison endorses the Cease Fire Campaign calling for calling for the immediate implementation of safer alternatives to open air burning, detonation and incineration/combustion of military munitions.
About the Campaign | CSWAB
The New START Treaty’s Effect on Nuclear Warhead Deployment
Status of World Nuclear Forces – Federation Of American Scientists (fas.org)
Veteran for Peace Danny Sjursen, veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan, taught at West Point. The video is an interview from 2021. Danny Discusses his book “A True History of the US, ” which in some ways takes off from Howard Zinn left off but focused on the US military machine. I would love to have him come to Madison as a guest sometime.
Event Calendar
WBW News & Action: Peace in Ukraine Right Now – World BEYOND War
Sat Feb 25, 12 noon – 1 pm Peace Action Weekly Stand for Peace. Meet at 92nd and North, Wauwatosa. Each week, a different vigil site in the Milwaukee area. Bring your signs for peace! Questions? Contact Peace Action WI – [email protected] or see https://www.peaceactionwi.org/

The Price of Oil
Mapping the world’s oil and gas pipelines | Infographic News | Al Jazeera