Armistice Day Event Madison – A commemoration and a call to end all wars Nov 11

A recording of the Armistice event can be found at…

The Progressive Magazine on YouTube


or Veterans for Peace Madison Clarence Kailin Chapter 25 FaceBook  

~ featuring ~

Norman Stockwell [Master of Ceremonies]

Alfred W. McCoy

Kathy Kelly

Fran Wiedenhoeft

Larry Orr

Wisconsin Poppy: Armistice

Armistice +100 is a program of more than 25 events in Madison in the fall of 2018 to mark the 100th anniversary of Armistice Day.


Music from John McCutcheon and Si Kahn

PDF for poster


Celebrate Armistice – VFP National

More information and background on Armistice and Veterans Day


“The first World War had just ended and nations mourning their dead collectively called for an end to all wars.  Armistice Day was born and was designated as “a day to be dedicated to the cause of world peace and to be thereafter celebrated.”

After World War II, the U.S. Congress decided to rebrand November 11 as Veterans Day. Honoring the warrior quickly morphed into honoring the military and glorifying war. Armistice Day was flipped from a day for peace into a day for displays of militarism.

Veterans For Peace has taken the lead in lifting up the original intention of November 11th – as a day for peace. As veterans we know that a day that celebrates peace, not war, is the best way to honor the sacrifices of veterans. We want generations after us to never know the destruction war has wrought on people and the earth.

Veterans For Peace has been celebrating Armistice Day almost since the organization’s inception, with a few chapters doing yearly events. Since 2008, with the passing of an official Veterans For Peace resolution, it became a VFP national effort. Each year, chapters across the country “Reclaim Armistice Day” by pushing the celebration of peace into the national conversation on Veterans Day.

Veterans For Peace is calling on everyone to stand up for peace this Armistice Day. More than ever, the world faces a critical moment. Tensions are heightened around the world and the U.S. is engaged militarily in multiple countries, without an end in sight.  Here at home we have seen the increasing militarization of our police forces and brutal crackdowns on dissent and people’s uprisings against state power. We must press our government to end reckless military interventions that endanger the entire world. We must build a culture of peace.”

Why the Pentagon Is Equipping the F-35 Jets With a Thermonuclear Bomb

Why the Pentagon Is Equipping the F-35 With a Thermonuclear Bomb
Kyle Mizokami
Fri, November 5, 2021

“The F-35 Joint Strike Fighter is nearly certified to carry a new thermonuclear weapon, the B61-12.

Although the U.S. military has a variety of ways to deliver nuclear weapons, there are only a handful of ways to use them on the battlefield.

Using a crewed delivery system ensures there is a person in the loop for the entire flight who can execute last minute instructions.

The F-35A Joint Strike Fighter is nearly ready to take on a new mission, that of a nuclear-capable bomber.

The Air Force has completed the flight testing to ensure the F-35A can safely—and reliably—drop the B61-12 thermonuclear bomb. The combination of crewed aircraft and nuclear bomb will ensure the U.S. government would have options in the event of a crisis, including one where a nuclear bomb could be literally recalled at the last second.

Nuclear weapons are divided into two categories: strategic and tactical. The two main differences between the two types are explosive yield and range. Tactical nuclear weapons typically range from about .3 kilotons (300 tons of TNT) to about 50 kilotons (50,000 tons of TNT).

Strategic nuclear weapons are in an entirely different class altogether. The yield of strategic nukes can range from 100 kilotons to well into the megaton range, with the U.S. military’s largest weapon having a yield of 1.3 megatons (the equivalent of 1,200,000 tons of TNT). Tactical nuclear weapons are generally shorter range weapons with ranges of 500 miles or less, while strategic nuclear weapons are designed to cross entire oceans to strike targets on the other side of the planet.

Today, tactical nuclear weapons are delivered by aircraft and submarine-launched missiles. The most numerous U.S. tactical nuclear weapon is the B61 series of bombs, a series that has been in continuous use since the 1960s. In the 2010s, the U.S. military developed a new B61 bomb, the B61-12. The B61-12 is not only more accurate, it’s designed to penetrate earth and concrete to strike underground facilities—think North Korean underground leadership bunkers, Iranian nuclear facilities, or similar targets.

This penetrating capability allows it to be more effective at nuking underground threats with less explosive power. The B61-12, rebuilt from older B61 series bombs, has a smaller yield and in fact has a “dial-a-yield” mechanism that allows for the yield to vary from .3 kiltons, 1.5 kilotons, 10 kilotons, and 50 kilotons.

One of the most important principles behind nuclear weapons is the idea of maintaining positive control over them at all times, as much as possible, up until the moment of detonation. This is not only a safety feature, it allows decision-makers increased flexibility under incredibly stressful circumstances.

A crewed aircraft makes an ideal platform for maximum control. With a crewed delivery system, the President of the United States could order a F-35A armed with the B61-12 to strike a target, then change his or her mind if the circumstances change. If the enemy suddenly calls for peace, the strike can be called off. This “recallability” is replicated at the strategic level with bombers like the B-2 Spirit, and the F-35A/B61-12 combo offers war planners the same capability at the tactical nuclear level. The F-35A’s stealth gives it a greater chance, unlike legacy aircraft like the F-15E Strike Eagle, of successfully penetrating enemy defenses and reaching the target.

What kind of targets could a F-35A drop a nuclear bomb on? Thanks to America’s overwhelming conventional firepower, it’s difficult to see the U.S. use nuclear weapons against non-nuclear targets. One target could be the location of a Russian missile command post, nuking it to sever the chain of command between Moscow and its own tactical nuclear forces. The actual missiles could be another target. If tactical nuclear weapons are already in use, a F-35A could dial the yield down to 1.5 kilotons and strike conventional targets, such as headquarters units, supply depots, and marshalling points for conventional forces.

The F-35A/B61-12 combo will be a tactical nuclear system primarily used against military targets. Still, “a nuke is a nuke,” and the use of tactical nuclear weapons would shift any conflict into a terrifying new phase. The use of tactical nukes could very well kick off a chain of escalation that grows to include the use of strategic nuclear weapons—with civilians and human civilization itself in the crosshairs.”


Take Action 

Nuclear Capability by Tom Boswell

Working Group: Veterans for Peace Abolish Nuclear Weapons

Send your e-mail address to [email protected]


WI State Journal : County More Reporting on PFAS

original link

Emily Hamer


“The Dane County Board on Thursday approved a proposal that will require additional public reporting on PFAS contamination and seek more information on much power the county has to regulate or halt airport projects if soil is too contaminated.

In another proposal aimed at supporting efforts to address PFAS contamination, the board backed a state bill that, if passed, would fund new state staff to come up with a PFAS action plan, create grants for local governments to conduct testing and remediation and other statewide initiatives to mitigate contamination due to the chemicals.

PFAS compounds are toxic, manmade chemicals that don’t break down in the environment and have been shown to increase the risk of cancer and other ailments. The “forever chemicals” have been found at the Dane County Regional Airport, where firefighters have used fluorinated foams for decades. Environmental advocates worry construction could further disburse PFAS.

Sup. Yogesh Chawla, 6th District, the author of the proposal on public reporting, said the county needs to make it “as easy as possible” for members of the community to find out about contamination levels and any remediation efforts. With the resolution’s approval, Public Health Madison and Dane County, along with county staff, will be directed to make a website for posting information on PFAS tests and minutes from any public meetings where PFAS is discussed.

The resolution also asks county staff to provide a legal opinion on “any and all ways” the county can regulate airport activities and the work to clean up PFAS. Chawla said it’s not clear exactly what the county can do to protect from PFAS contamination, and the legal opinion should shed some light on that.

“We … need to know what power the County Board has to keep our drinking water safe for our community,” Chawla said.

The resolution is the latest iteration of a series of proposals from Chawla looking to address PFAS contamination. The previous proposals failed, likely because they included language opposing the placement of F-35 fighter jets in Madison, which has faced opposition because of noise and environmental concerns. Thursday’s resolution doesn’t mention the jets at all.

Sup. Jeff Weigand, 20th District, was the only board member to vote against the PFAS resolutions. Weigand said he supported the public reporting but was against efforts to regulate airport activity. He said the proposal supporting the state bill “does nothing,” and he’s against passing a measure just “so we can all feel good.”

Car camping

Also Thursday, the board passed a resolution that directs staff in the county’s Department of Human Services to prepare a report on potential sites for lawful car camping for homeless individuals. Weigand was the only board member to vote against it, but he did not say why.

More than nine years ago, local nonprofit Madison-area Urban Ministry, now known as Just Dane, recommended that the county identify parking spots on properties owned by the county, businesses and faith communities that could be used for car camping. Just Dane also recommended creating a registration process and a community outreach program to explain the car camping to neighbors.

The new report will include ways the county could implement those recommendations and take “a fresh look” at car camping, Human Services Director Shawn Tessmann said. Staff are required to present interim recommendations no later than March 1 and a full report on the site options by June 1.

Sup. Heidi Wegleitner, 2nd District, the author of the resolution, has said implementing lawful car camping in the county is “overdue.”

Why Do Oligarchs Ignore United Nations Day? Victor Madeson

This newsletter, from Victor Madeson,  is based on United Nations Day.


The oligarchs didn’t want you to remember that today is the 73rd United Nations Day. They know that people united can never be defeated so their obvious strategy is to keep us divided. In 1945, after the horror of World War II, 50 governments gathered in San Francisco and began drafting the UN Charter, which was adopted 25 June and officially took effect on 24 October. In 1947 the UN General Assembly declared (UN Resolution 2782) 24 October as the anniversary date with the significant statement that UN Day “shall be devoted to making known to the people of the world the aims and achievements of the United Nations and to gaining their support for its work”.

In 1971, the UN General Assembly recommended that it should be observed as a public holiday by UN member states to recall how countries came together to promote peace throughout the world after World War II.

Between 1988 and 2000, the number of UN Security Council peacekeeping efforts has more than doubled but a lack of U.S. support undermines its mission. For example, an 18 October 2021 Sanctions Review Report ordered by President Biden shows the US is intensifying its economic warfare despite the COVID Pandemic. This warfare is directed against 39 countries (a third of the world population) with secondary sanctions against more countries, some of which are US allies. Over half the UN members denounced this use of unilateral economic measures. Pope Francis appealed to “powerful countries to stop aggression, blockades and unilateral sanctions against any country anywhere on earth….” “No to neo-colonialism.”

The purpose of the UN is described in UN, UNDHR, Oligarchy (2021) 5p  with powerful illustrations to define the philosophy of oligarchy and its removal. The latter was made difficult by commencement of the Cold War but it’s not too late to start again. For example, changing the word “flag” to “Constitution” in the Pledge of Allegiance might be a good idea. That symbolic imposition was part of the same 1893 Chicago Exposition that honored the brutality of Columbus.

VETERANS:You should know that the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) provides veterans hospital and outpatient care with “needed” services intended to promote, preserve, or restore health. The VA system has grown extensively to achieve this. Over 400,000 full-time healthcare professionals and support staff handle this need. They are spread across 170 VA medical centers, including 1,240 healthcare facilities. The VA has three main subdivisions; each headed by an Undersecretary:
1. Veterans Health Administration (VHA): responsible for providing health care in all its forms, as well as for biomedical research, Outpatient Clinics (CBOCs), Regional Medical Centers (VAMC), and Readjustment Counseling Services (RCS);
2. Veterans Benefits Administration (VBA): responsible for initial veteran registration, eligibility determination, and 5 entitlement or benefit lines: Vocational Rehab & Employment, Education, Compensation & Pension, Home Loan Guarantee, and Insurance.
3. National Cemetery Administration: responsible for burial and memorial benefits to eligible veterans and family members. Most Lehigh Valley veterans use Outpatient Clinics under Wilkes-Barre VA Medical Center (570-824-3521). Others within 65 miles of Allentown: Coatesville, Crescenz, Lebanon, Lyons.
If you haven’t kept up with what the VA offers, please download a copy of the Veterans Welcome Kit(Nov.2020, 42p). As of late July, the hard copy did not reach some local clinics. The blue folder is in two parts. The second part has 13 “Quick start” guides to VA benefits and services (2 pages each, ~Oct.2020): Apply for VA Healthcare (p.17); Mental-Health Services (p.19); Community Care (p.21); Accessing Urgent Care (p.23); Caregiver Support Program (p.25); Women-Veterans-Health Services (p.27); Vet-Center-Services (p.29); Services for 65+-veterans (p.31); Apply for Disability Rating (p.33); If You Disagree with VA decision (p.35); Apply for Survivor Benefits (p.37); Apply for Education Benefits (p.39); and Apply for Burials & Memorials (p.41). More Guides are on website: Modernized Decision Review Process; Understand Food & Nutrition Services; Veteran State benefits/services; and Whole Health Services ( The two bold Guides are benefits for veteran family members. Most VA clerks don’t know how to explain such benefits to veterans.
Simple challenge: go to a Vet Center/Clinic as if for first time, will you get a complete written description of VA services. If you do, could you quickly get someone to verbally provide an accurate explanation of relevant items?
Also (1) A veteran over age 64 can be presumed disabled and may be entitled to a Veterans Pension, but must apply (means-tested and won’t do much for veterans with household wealth, but could be a big deal for someone in poverty or at a nursing home).
(2) Consider getting Planning Your Legacy: VA Survivors and Burial Benefits Kit at >< (2020, 68p). Veterans & wives can access 135 national cemeteries.
(3) Service connected disability claims are best handled through Veterans Service Organizations (VSO); see Q&A at: ><.
(4) During medical/behavioral health emergency, VA encourages veterans to seek immediate attention without checking with VA before calling ambulance. See VA FS 20-43 (Apr.2021, 1p),
For now, please share as you feel appropriate. Feedback welcomed.
With liberty and justice for all, 
Victor Madeson (7PA/134)