~ All Freedom for All People ~ #Palestine

Rafah correspondent Khuloud Rabah Sulaiman details daily life in Gaza at the Electronic Intifada

Middle East Children’s Alliance (MECA)

MRSCP has launched a major fundraising drive to benefit the Middle East Children’s Alliance (MECA) Gaza emergency fund. They have set up this online Madison-specific contribution page, where you can donate directly to the campaign. Any amount, no matter how small, is appreciated.

You can also use the QR code at the end of this email. 


If you want to get more perspectives beyond the mainstream: 
  • Jewish Voice for Peace on the Mainstream Media’s March to War
  • Al Mezan Center for Human Rights, Gaza
  • Palestinian Centre for Human Rights (PCHR), Gaza City (Wait for captcha check box to load)
  • The Guardian – Gaza
  • Middle East Eye
  • Mondoweiss
  • +972 Magazine
  • Electronic Intifada
  • We Are Not Numbers
  • Al Jazeera Breaking News, World News, and Video
  • BBC Live
  • Palestine News Network PNN
May be a graphic of text

More peace and justice events:

War Crimes Update – US Presidents

Every living US President is a war criminal.

#Biden record on war crimes.

Biden bombed Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Somalia. The US continues its use of drone assassinations ignoring sovereignty and borders around the world.

These are aggressive war crimes. Preemptive war is a war crime. They were not self defense.

You can’t attack and overthrow a nation, install a puppet government and call it self defense like the US and CIA did in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Biden had his CIA attack the NordStream pipeline, blow up the Crimean Bridge and attack the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant.

These are all continued war crimes, attacks on infrastructure that are not military targets. Biden arms the Ukrainians as they are slaughtered. They do not need to be sacrificed in order to fight a war with Russia, a proxy war. The US oligarchs want access to the resources around and flowing through Ukraine and the related profits.

Biden is a self-proclaimed Zionist who ignores the suffering and crimes committed on Palestinians. Biden armed criminals in Israel and Saudi Arabia. Biden and his CIA arm, fund and work with terror groups like the one that took over Syria in 2024.

Biden continued throughout his presidency to use illegal drone assassinations with no due process. You have to be one brainwashed person to think that the US has the right to go pretty much anywhere on the planet and murder anyone you want at any time and think it is legal.

Joe Biden not only voted for the Iraq War, but he worked to sell the war. As the head of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Biden took the lies from the Bush Administration and repeated them over and over.   “These weapons must be dislodged from Saddam Hussein, or Saddam Hussein must be dislodged from power.” “President Bush has stated his determination to remove Saddam from power, a view many in Congress share.” – Biden was definitely pro-war-crime even though he had more access to intelligence than many.

See Geneva conventions, and the UN charter and treaties with the power of U.S. law under the constitution. People full of cognitive dissonance have no interest in learning facts though.

Trump is also a war criminal. Trump bombed Syrians and Iranians. Trump continued illegal war crimes and empire across the world.

Trump accelerated the illegal drone assassinations, and he classified the information about them in a way that people could not see. He created more secrets.

You can bet Trump had the mercenaries busy. In Ukraine for instance. That has been going on for years. Trump is close to crazy greedy religious fanatics like Erik Prince


Democratic principles include transparency, accountability and rule of law.  Often the propaganda is telling us to violate rule of law and to treat some people as if they are more equal than others.  In the end, this is to benefit the corporate machine, ruling 1% richest few and the puppet politicians.


In addition, the US Congress and Senate fund the crimes and the weapons.  More crimes.

Below and Beyond War: Susan Friess

Below and Beyond War

by Susan Freiss


How removed are we

from the newest attacks

and counter attacks?

How removed from terror

and souls jettisoning

from precious particular lives?

How removed from the slow violence

of oppression accelerated

into vengeance and revenge?

How removed from histories

of humiliation begetting

humiliating deathly harm?


Just how removed?

Or, better we ask,

how are we removed?

By thousand of miles

and buffering beliefs

that they are there anguished,

captive, petrified

and we are not?

Eyes open we feel

that buffer’s permeability

and see the illusion of our distance,

our horror ready reverberation.


Hands tremor helplessly,

aspiration for justice caught

in our throats, we sink,

let reverberation

draw us into the well

of our connection

and hold vigil

below and beyond war

allowing the convulsing,

the death rattling, the unhinging

to break our hearts open—

again, again, again



Ineffable the malevolence

of histories of oppression

and virulent racism

into which I was born

and more and more wittingly

have lived, white girl

with so little sense of self,

white woman at home

in the woods and fields

of the seemingly calm Midwest,

mothering, befriending.


Learning, following

atrocities I meet dismay

her emanations of despair

my own and yours

along our lines of connection

empathic distress stirs

tears brought to the woods

and fields and there, sure enough,

F-35s, metal death machines,

practice overhead,

grass and trees hold vigil.


We cannot pretend

this not part of that

or that is not part of this.

Voices will not be silenced

that object to genocide

though our country has

tried and tried.

The rhythm of vigil is

breaking open

throbbing, pulsing, emanating

below and beyond war.


Susan Freiss: I wrote the first section of this poem in the days immediately after October 7. The second section was born of living within the first. May the meaning and experience of vigil ever deepen our compassion and understanding of each other and of all suffering the consequences of war. 

Madison Chapter – World BEYOND War

Yard Signs ~ Defund War, Fund Better Priorities ~ VFP Madison ~

Yard signs by the Madison, Wisconsin Chapter of Veterans for Peace, Clarence Kailin Chapter 25.  Raise your voice for peace and justice.

The signs are almost gone.

If you would like to provide a donation, we appreciate it.

description: 18”x24”, corrugated plastic, double-sided, comes with metal H stakes

Side 1


Donations help us continue our activities like providing educational scholarships to local youth and educating people so we can grow the movement for peace.  Please send us an e-mail, give us a call or contact your local Madison member of Veterans for Peace .  We will make sure to arrange to get signs to you, in the local Madison area.  Outside of the area there will be an additional cost if shipping is required.

Side 2