Category Archives: Clarence Kailin Chapter 25

Raise Your Voice – No F-35’s – No to wasteful killing machines

Some of our public officials don’t know there is opposition to the F-35’s. They have heard from few of their constituents, and because of this some don’t even have it on their radar. Even if you know they oppose the F-35’s, your elected officials need to hear from you.

What you can do:

Contact local representatives on City Council, Dane County Board, State Senate and Assembly, and US Senate and Legislature – especially Tammy Baldwin, Mark Pocan, Joe Parisi, and Satya Rhodes-Conway.

Show up Sept 12 at our 5:00pm press conference at the Alliant Energy Center [see map] just before the Public Hearing on the Environmental Impact Statement. We will provide matching signs to hold and stickers or buttons to wear, to make it clear that we have a sizeable opposition.

*Please contact your alder and county supervisor AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.

It can be simple, just that you oppose having the F-35’s stationed at Truax due to environmental and safety concerns.

Ask them if they’ll be attending the Sept 12th public comment session at Alliant Energy Center that the Air National Guard is holding to express their constituents’ reservations about the F-35 project.

If you want to provide more reasons go ahead. You can find lots of information attached and at

· Madison Alders – find your alder on this map:

· Dane County Supervisors,  contact information may be found here: OR

Enter your address to find your supervisor:

· Rep. Mark Pocan….
· Sen. Tammy Baldwin…
· Dane County Exec Joe Parisi… [email protected]
· Mayor Satya Rhodes-Conway…

If you are interested in setting up a meeting with your alder or County supervisor, please contact Tom Boswell at [email protected] or 608/718-7312.

Please share this information with as many Madisonians as you can

Thank you, you make a difference.

Content from Vicki Berenson
for Safe Skies Clean Water Wisconsin  

Air Force Environmental Impact Statement…

Illustration by Bill Krupinski


VFP at LaborFest 2019 in Madison

Veterans for Peace-Madison: Steve Books and Brad Geyer spent Labor Day educating the public at the Labor Temple in Madison [LaborFest 2019.]

Pic by Paul McMahon/Heartland Images

We were talking to people about war profiteering, the corrupt government, the massive pollution by the MIC and the boondoggle of the plan to bring F-35’s to Wisconsin and Madison.

[Steve speaking with commander of the National Guard, Governor Tony Evers ]

~Peace is the way Tony.~


Pic by Paul McMahon/Heartland Images

The South Central Federation of Labor (SCFL), Industrial Workers of the World, Madison Teachers Inc., American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME), Teamsters, TAA and other organized workers groups celebrated Labor Day with its annual LaborFest on Monday, September 2, at the Madison Labor Temple grounds. The Jimmys and Chris O’Leary Band performed.

There were family-friendly activities: magic shows, face painting, a bounce house, balloon

Pic by Paul McMahon/Heartland Images

twister, and caricature artist.

Veterans For Peace is an international organization made up of military veterans, military family members, and allies. We accept veteran members from all branches of service.

We are dedicated to building a culture of peace, exposing the true costs of war, and healing the wounds of war. Our networks are made up of over 140 chapters across the United States and abroad.

Vets for Peace: Our Mission

Climate Strike! Madison to the Globe

This September, millions of us will walk out of our workplaces and homes to join young climate strikers on the streets and demand an end to the age of fossil fuels.  [Veterans for Peace-Madison has endorsed the Climate Strike. ]

A walkout and actions at the state Capitol and at Madison Gas and Electric will take place on September 20.

Our house is on fire — let’s act like it. We demand climate justice for everyone.

“Madison strikers are demanding that Governor Evers, our county, and our city government declare a climate emergency. Our private sector demands to MG&E are that it divest and transition completely to 100% renewable energy by 2030 by closing the Columbia & Elm Road Coal Plants still in use.”

Wisconsin Youth Climate Action Team
Questions: [email protected]  |  or  |   [email protected]

Schedule for Friday. 8/20:

  • 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM
    Concert for Climate (State Capitol Steps – State St.)
  • 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM
    MG&E Rally – Railroad Street (Teach-ins, Action Booths, Food Trucks, & more activities!)
  • 3:00 PM – 3:10 PM
    March to Capitol
  • 3:15 PM – 4:15 PM
    Rally – Capitol Steps, State Street (Speakers, Chalking, Action Booths, & more!)
  • 4:15 PM – 6:00 PM
    Rally – Rotunda (Free Pizza, Petition/Letter delivery, & more!)

Strike Planning Meeting  September 5 from  7 PM – 9 PM, Wisconsin Network for Peace, Justice & Sustainability office at 30 W Mifflin #702, Madison

Banner drops Sep 5, 6, 12, 13, 19

Extinction Rebellion Presentation

Sunday, September 8 from 12:30 – 2 PMpin
First Unitarian Society of Madison @ 900 University Bay Dr, Madison

Climate Strike-Madison Facebook Event

Global Strike Website

“Our house is on fire. The climate crisis is an emergency but we’re not acting like it. People everywhere are at risk if we let oil, coal and gas companies continue to pour more fuel on the fire.

Our hotter planet is already hurting millions of people. If we don’t act now to transition fairly and swiftly away from fossil fuels to 100% renewable energy access for all, the injustice of the climate crisis will only get worse.

We need to act right now to stop burning fossil fuels and ensure a rapid energy revolution with equity, reparations and climate justice at its heart.

But it’s going to take all of us working together to succeed. Join the Climate Strikes starting on September 20 – three days out from the UN’s climate emergency summit and continuing on September 27.

Millions of us will walk out from home, work, school or university to declare a climate emergency and show our politicians what action in line with climate science and justice means.
The climate crisis won’t wait, so neither will we.”

Labor Day – Support for the Climate Strike

Unions Around the World Showing Support for the

Youth-Led “Climate Strike” Calls

When Swedish middle-schooler and climate activist Greta Thunberg decided one year
ago—on August 20, 2018—to skip school and instead stand outside the Swedish
Parliament with a sign reading simply, “School Strike for Climate,” few could have
imagined that her action would help catalyze a dramatic expansion and intensification of
global climate actions led by young people, and a new wave of mobilizations under
banners like “Fridays for Future,” “Youth for Climate” and “Youth Strike 4 Climate.”
Her action caught imaginations around the world, much in the way that US Congress
member Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’ championing of the “Green New Deal” led to a new
burst of interest in that idea. Students have now issued a call for a “Global Climate

Unions are responding to the call for a “Global Youth Climate Strike” on Friday,
September 20th, and for a “General Climate Change Strike” the following Friday,
September 27th. The two Fridays fall on either side of the “UN Climate Action
Summit,” to be convened by UN Gen. Sec. António Guterres on Monday, Sept. 23rd.

One example of a U.S. union in support is the Massachusetts Teachers Union’s call for a
strike for a national teachers strike in support of the Green New Deal.

The submitters’ rationale noted that, “Maybe, when our grandchildren ask us how the
Green New Deal was won, we can say it started with students—and then with us. That
when the teachers went out on strike in 2019, others followed. First the nurses, then the
hotel workers. Next came the TV writers, the teamsters, and the flight attendants. A
general strike shut down the whole country until Congress passed a Green New Deal
that the president signed into law. Millions of Americans soon started at the kinds of
green jobs-with-justice that reshaped this country and saved the planet. We faced the
crisis, wrestled emissions to net-zero, and put out the fire…There are more of us than
there are of them. If only we’d remember that. If only we’d act like it.”

Many international unions are supporting the climate strike actions, including major
unions in Australia, Germany, Italy, New Zealand and the United Kingdom.


  • Trade Unions for Energy Democracy
  • Labor Network for Sustainability
  • U.S. Labor against the War


Madison Teachers are fighting for a Cost-of-Living Wage Increase .

We stand in solidarity with all workers.

Madison Teachers