Tag Archives: peace

Why Do Oligarchs Ignore United Nations Day? Victor Madeson

This newsletter, from Victor Madeson,  is based on United Nations Day.


The oligarchs didn’t want you to remember that today is the 73rd United Nations Day. They know that people united can never be defeated so their obvious strategy is to keep us divided. In 1945, after the horror of World War II, 50 governments gathered in San Francisco and began drafting the UN Charter, which was adopted 25 June and officially took effect on 24 October. In 1947 the UN General Assembly declared (UN Resolution 2782) 24 October as the anniversary date with the significant statement that UN Day “shall be devoted to making known to the people of the world the aims and achievements of the United Nations and to gaining their support for its work”.

In 1971, the UN General Assembly recommended that it should be observed as a public holiday by UN member states to recall how countries came together to promote peace throughout the world after World War II.

Between 1988 and 2000, the number of UN Security Council peacekeeping efforts has more than doubled but a lack of U.S. support undermines its mission. For example, an 18 October 2021 Sanctions Review Report ordered by President Biden shows the US is intensifying its economic warfare despite the COVID Pandemic. This warfare is directed against 39 countries (a third of the world population) with secondary sanctions against more countries, some of which are US allies. Over half the UN members denounced this use of unilateral economic measures. Pope Francis appealed to “powerful countries to stop aggression, blockades and unilateral sanctions against any country anywhere on earth….” “No to neo-colonialism.”

The purpose of the UN is described in UN, UNDHR, Oligarchy (2021) 5p  with powerful illustrations to define the philosophy of oligarchy and its removal. The latter was made difficult by commencement of the Cold War but it’s not too late to start again. For example, changing the word “flag” to “Constitution” in the Pledge of Allegiance might be a good idea. That symbolic imposition was part of the same 1893 Chicago Exposition that honored the brutality of Columbus.

VETERANS:You should know that the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) provides veterans hospital and outpatient care with “needed” services intended to promote, preserve, or restore health. The VA system has grown extensively to achieve this. Over 400,000 full-time healthcare professionals and support staff handle this need. They are spread across 170 VA medical centers, including 1,240 healthcare facilities. The VA has three main subdivisions; each headed by an Undersecretary:
1. Veterans Health Administration (VHA): responsible for providing health care in all its forms, as well as for biomedical research, Outpatient Clinics (CBOCs), Regional Medical Centers (VAMC), and Readjustment Counseling Services (RCS);
2. Veterans Benefits Administration (VBA): responsible for initial veteran registration, eligibility determination, and 5 entitlement or benefit lines: Vocational Rehab & Employment, Education, Compensation & Pension, Home Loan Guarantee, and Insurance.
3. National Cemetery Administration: responsible for burial and memorial benefits to eligible veterans and family members. Most Lehigh Valley veterans use Outpatient Clinics under Wilkes-Barre VA Medical Center (570-824-3521). Others within 65 miles of Allentown: Coatesville, Crescenz, Lebanon, Lyons.
If you haven’t kept up with what the VA offers, please download a copy of the Veterans Welcome Kit(Nov.2020, 42p). As of late July, the hard copy did not reach some local clinics. The blue folder is in two parts. The second part has 13 “Quick start” guides to VA benefits and services (2 pages each, ~Oct.2020): Apply for VA Healthcare (p.17); Mental-Health Services (p.19); Community Care (p.21); Accessing Urgent Care (p.23); Caregiver Support Program (p.25); Women-Veterans-Health Services (p.27); Vet-Center-Services (p.29); Services for 65+-veterans (p.31); Apply for Disability Rating (p.33); If You Disagree with VA decision (p.35); Apply for Survivor Benefits (p.37); Apply for Education Benefits (p.39); and Apply for Burials & Memorials (p.41). More Guides are on VA.gov website: Modernized Decision Review Process; Understand Food & Nutrition Services; Veteran State benefits/services; and Whole Health Services (VA.gov). The two bold Guides are benefits for veteran family members. Most VA clerks don’t know how to explain such benefits to veterans.
Simple challenge: go to a Vet Center/Clinic as if for first time, will you get a complete written description of VA services. If you do, could you quickly get someone to verbally provide an accurate explanation of relevant items?
Also (1) A veteran over age 64 can be presumed disabled and may be entitled to a Veterans Pension, but must apply (means-tested and won’t do much for veterans with household wealth, but could be a big deal for someone in poverty or at a nursing home).
(2) Consider getting Planning Your Legacy: VA Survivors and Burial Benefits Kit at >www.benefits.va.gov/BENEFITS/docs/VASurvivorsKit.pdf< (2020, 68p). Veterans & wives can access 135 national cemeteries.
(3) Service connected disability claims are best handled through Veterans Service Organizations (VSO); see Q&A at: >https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/pdf/R/R46412<.
(4) During medical/behavioral health emergency, VA encourages veterans to seek immediate attention without checking with VA before calling ambulance. See VA FS 20-43 (Apr.2021, 1p),
For now, please share as you feel appropriate. Feedback welcomed.
With liberty and justice for all, 
Victor Madeson (7PA/134)

Our Hearts are Weary ~ September 11 Madison Action


Sept. 11, 2021

Downtown Madison Farmer’s Market

On Sept. 11, the 20th anniversary of 9/11, our hearts are weary after at least 20 years of the “forever wars” and skyrocketing Pentagon budgets.  So many innocent children, women, and men have been killed, in Iraq, in Afghanistan, in Yemen, and so many other places in the Middle East and Africa.  And we are no closer to bringing peace.  War WAS NOT the answer!

End the ever-increasing military profiteering

End the violations of human rights, natural rights and legal rights

8:00 am – noon:  FLY KITES, NOT DRONES Join us at King St. corner of the square. The Wisconsin Network for Peace and Justice table will have kites, leaflets, buttons, and other information.

10:00 am:   ALL ARE WELCOME AS WE gather for a rally outside Senator Baldwin’s office at 30 West Mifflin St. (near the State St. corner of the square).

Speakers include: 

Bonnie Block activist and rebel with Wisconsin Coalition to Ground the Drones and End the Wars

Vicki Berenson, human being for peace and justice, WNPJ, Friends, Safe Skies Clean Water Wisconsin Coalition 

Allen Ruff, historian, concerned citizen and activist 


Senator Baldwin, stop voting for the War Machine, fund human needs, and lead us to a peace economy!

The U.S. government spends more on the military than the next top eleven countries combined.  And we are no closer to bringing peace!

The F-35 Joint Strike Fighter jet program, one of the biggest boondoggles in military history, are looking to come to Madison.  And we are no closer to bringing peace!

As we move closer and closer to ecocide, the military remains the biggest source of pollution on earth.  And we are no closer to bringing peace!

Suicide, PTSD, and moral injury is a huge problem for our veterans who have been emotionally, psychologically, and spiritually damaged from our wars.  And we are no closer to bringing peace!

Senator Tammy Baldwin, along with so many other Democrats and Republicans, does not represent our desire to bring an end to the “forever wars”.  We have no party for peace.  We only have a War Party!  Sen. Baldwin actively worked to bring the F-35s to Madison, she does not provide strong support for policies to make the world green, she backs economic policies that support militarism, and she continues to vote for the obscene military budget.


We have had enough of these crimes and injustice.   Senator Baldwin needs to be a strong leader for the people.  She needs to stand up to the War Party!

There will be a nonviolent civil resistance action in front of Baldwin’s office.  If you are interested or want more information, contact [email protected]


Sponsored by:  Wisconsin Coalition to Ground the Drones and End the Wars

If you would like your group to co-sponsor, contact [email protected]

Afghanistan Appeal (Peace Project)

This short piece sums up what is going on in Afghanistan, and it also includes a way to contribute to a fund that helps people in Afghanistan to escape the violence.

Please consider giving.

“The Taliban take all major cities in Afghanistan ~ The Presidential Palace has fallen ~ President Ghani flees the country ~ US pledge to redeploy 5,000 troops ~ All embassy staff leave the country ~ We are now looking at a Taliban led Government ~ The Taliban say they want to take power without violence.”
Pictures by Maya Evans.

Over the last ten years we have been working in solidarity with young Afghan peace activists in Kabul, supporting their grassroots projects and encouraging efforts to promote peace. We have made a number of trips to Kabul and seen first hand their incredible work, while also meeting and collecting the stories of ordinary Afghans and how their lives have been impacted by 40 years of war and conflict.Over the last few weeks, the Taliban have moved rapidly, taking provinces and cities overnight. At the time of writing, Kabul has just been taken, President Ghani has fled the country, foreign embassy staff are being evacuated, and the Taliban have closed the airport. Many of the boarders, such as the one to Iran, have been closed. There are now 4 million internally displaced Afghans with nowhere to run.

young Afghan peace campaigners climbing a mountain.

The Taliban have been targeting and making examples of anyone who has been working with the Afghan Government, foreign military or international organisations. Our friends feel that their high-profile campaigning has made them potential targets within their neighbourhoods.

Refugee Camp

We are running a collection so that our young friends can, if needed, flee quickly. Many Afghans are now escaping to the mountains. This appeal is about protecting the lives of young Afghans who have worked tirelessly for peace and non-violence.

Street kids school.

Donate via PayPal: paypal.me/vcnvuk

Direct Debit:
Voices for Creative Non-Violence UK
Community/ Business Account
The Co-operative Bank
Account: 65583025
Sort: 089299

Cheques payable to: VCNV UK
31 Carisbrooke Road
St Leonards on Sea
TN38 0JN
With thanks and solidarity,
Maya, Mary & Henrietta
Afghanistan Peace Project
Formerly Voices for Creative Non-Violence UK