August 22, 2021
Dear Senator Baldwin
You are our Senator, representing us in congress. We have supported you in the past, but it is getting more difficult because for many years now we believe you are not representing us in your votes promoting militarism. Militarism, as Martin Luther King Jr. stated, is one of the triple ‘evils’, along with racism and excessive materialism, that harm our American society. As you know, the U.S. government spends more on militarism than the next 11 countries combined. We would like the money we spend on militarism moved to spending on human needs, such as health care, housing, food, education, and a green energy economy.
Therefore, for our continued support we ask that you commit to:
Lowering the 2022 spending from the 2021 present military budget of 740 billion dollars, over 60% of the total US discretionary budget. It is against our values when the Department of Defense gets more of our taxpayer dollars than all the other departments of our government, education, health, housing, State, etc. combined.
Withdrawing your advocacy and support for the F-35 being based in Madison. This plane, a major polluter of the environment, air, water and noise, is considered by many military experts a “boondoggle”, too big to fail. Madison and Wisconsin residents have made it clear they do not want it.
Stop supporting increased funding to the largest industrial polluter in the world, the US military. In a world on the brink of climate destruction, we must lessen our support for major polluters. War is nonsustainable and only leads to more wars with destruction to continue.
Supporting more jobs in education, clean energy and health care over military jobs. We know that “1 billion in military spending creates approximately 11,200 jobs, compared with 26,700 in education,16,800 in clean energy, and 17,200 in health care.”
We will gather in front of your office on the square on Sept. 11, 2021 at 10:00 am to hear your response to these demands. We would like you or your representative to be present and show us that you hear us and will represent us. We wait for your response on 9/11 at the Madison Farmers Market, a day we remember the terror of 9/11 and also celebrate sustainability.
Wisconsin Coalition to Ground the Drones and End the Wars
[email protected] 608 239-4327