The Monday Noon Vigil started back in December, 1981 — it will soon be 40 years ago! April 15 is tax day. We will protest the use of our tax dollars to commit war crimes and to pay for weapons of war.
The group meets in downtown Madison from 12:00 noon to 1:00 pm on the corner, by the County-City building: The corner of Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard and Doty Street. There are signs and flyers available each week. The flyers to be handed out to passers-by.
Be the change you want to see & Support nonviolent ways to peace. No more war.
All are welcome to join this group, which meets every Monday noon, except Federal holidays – (or if the temperature sinks below -20 degrees… and even then, some members enjoy standing for peace.)
The National Campaign for a Peace Tax Fund, a national non-profit organization located in Washington, D.C., advocates for U.S. federal legislation that would enable conscientious objectors to war to have their federal income taxes directed to a special fund which would be used for non-military purposes alone. This fund would be called the Religious Freedom Peace Tax Fund, and the bill we seek to pass is called the Religious Freedom Peace Tax Fund Act, called H.R. 1947 in the current Congressional term.
National Campaign for a Peace Tax Fund
Brochure – Paying for War is Participating