Statement Calling for a Christmas Truce in Ukraine

Contact: Janet Parker, Madison for A World Beyond War
[email protected] | (608) 228-9096
Contact: Jerry Folk, Interfaith Peace Working Group
[email protected] | (608) 513-3178

[Anyone who would like to support the truce may sign on here. ]

~ Wisconsin Faith Leaders Call for ~

a ~ Christmas Truce ~  in Ukraine

Inspired by the miraculous Christmas truce of 1914, local leaders petition the Biden administration to push for negotiations and will host a walk to involve the public on Sunday, December 18


Madison, WI – A diverse and quickly growing coalition of nearly 1000 faith leaders in the United States have signed onto a Christmas truce statement demanding a ceasefire in the War in Ukraine. Madison, Wisconsin leaders are hosting a walk to call for a Christmas truce on Sunday, December 18th. The public is welcome to participate.

Initiated by the Fellowship of Reconciliation, USA, the National Council of Elders, CODEPINK and the Peace in Ukraine Coalition, the Christmas truce for Ukraine, is inspired by the miraculous Christmas truce of 1914, in which 100,000 German and British soldiers ceased fire and participated in a brief and spontaneous peace along the Western Front. Emerging from their trenches, soldiers ventured into the “no man’s land” where they shared food and drink; they sang Christmas carols and even played soccer together. It was a potent example of how the human spirit can be a powerful force that transcends hate and division in the promotion of peace.

Several Wisconsin leaders and faith organizations that have signed the statement to support the Christmas truce in Ukraine. They include, but are not limited to, Sister Rosalie Lauer (Sisters of St. Dominic), Madison Friends Meeting (Quakers), Interfaith Peace Working Group, Reverend Erica Liu (Pres House), Pastor Valerie Showalter (Madison Mennonite Church), Rabbi Betsy Forester (Beth Israel Center), Nick Utphall (Advent Lutheran Church of Madison Christian Community), Julia Weaver (United Church of Christ), Phil Haslanger (Christ Presbyterian), and Pastor Peter Beeson (St John’s Lutheran), Rev. Jerry Folk (ELCA pastor), Rev. Franz Rigert, (Conference Minister, Wisconsin Conference, UCC), Rev. Frederick Trost (UCC pastor), and Sister Maureen McDonnell (Dominican Sisters of Sinsinawa).


For a full list of signers visit this link.

The itinerary for the Sunday, December 18, Madison Christmas Truce Walk is listed below. The public is welcome to attend any part of the event.

• 10:45 am – St John’s Lutheran Church, 322 E Washington Ave. Clergy Rev Peter Beeson and Rev Julia Weaver have signed the call for a Christmas Truce.
• 11:15 am – Walk west, up East Washington and around the Capitol.
• 12:00 – 12:45 pm – Madison Friends Meeting (Quakers), 1704 Roberts Ct. The congregation signed onto the Truce.
• 12:45 pm – Walk to Pres House on Library Mall.
• 1:15 – 1:30 pm – Walk ends with a very brief vigil at Library Mall. Pres House will share their space for warming up at 731 State St.


More info on the walk