Help for Afghans – About Face

Need help for Afghans trying to evacuate, or want to know how to help? 🚨
About Face: Veterans Against War
Facebook ***There are ways to help that don’t require military intervention, that give Afghan people their inherent dignity and a choice other than oppression and occupation. We must help the most vulnerable in Afghanistan and be responsible for the terrible situation the US has created. In the coming days we will be centering the voices of the Afghan people, and in the meantime, here are ways you can help:

Stay away from Kabul’s airport! It’s not safe. Email any documentation of your work to an American friend or save it to the cloud. There are phone apps for scanning (e.g. GeniusScan). Do not have hard copies on your person.

AMERICAN CITIZENS: If you or someone you know is an American in Afghanistan that wants to get out, have them fill out this form. They can also email [email protected] or call his office at (202) 225-4765 if we can help follow up and push.

AFGHAN CIVILIANS: US citizens can fill out the following form for Afghan human rights defenders, women/gender rights advocates, journalists, and civil society leaders. Evacuate Our Allies sends the list to relevant U.S. government officials daily at 6 PM EST.

INTERPRETERS: If you/someone you know has an approved petition for a Special Immigrant Visa, email [email protected] or call 1-603-334-0828. For those with/without approved petitions, email [email protected] and Rep Andy Kim so he can try and push for an urgent evac: [email protected].
Other helpful SIV resources for interpreters and their supports, including templates:

P-2: If you/someone you know worked as a contractor with NGO, media, etc. Rep Andy Kim is pushing for P-2 holders to have safe passage immediately. If you have questions, or are eligible and need assistance contact [email protected].

• If you want to volunteer for airport pickup, apartment setups, and/or meals for Afghans, go to
• If you want to help provide transportation, housing, and other basic needs for Afghans at Fort Lee in Virginia, go to
• If you are an attorney and you would like to help with Afghan pro bono cases, please sign up here:
• Here are NGOs/charities working in Afghanistan you can support:

Look up Afghans For A Better Tomorrow on twitter to see how you can continue help:

