Category Archives: Clarence Kailin Chapter 25

Survey to address the needs of women vets from the Wisconsin Department of Veterans Affairs (WDVA)

“To address the needs of women veterans in our state, the Wisconsin Department of Veterans  affairs (WDVA) remains committed to:

  • Providing advocacy for women veterans;
  •  Encouraging and supporting recognition of women veterans’ contributions to Wisconsin and the nation;
  • Providing outreach for women veterans’ programs and issues

Take the WDVA Wisconsin Women Veterans Survey
Survey closes March 31, 2019

More information related to women veterans

US Hands Off Venezuela – No more war for oil!

U.S. Hands Off Venezuela! Rally
Saturday at 12 PM, February 23
Wisconsin State Capitol, Madison


Hands Off 23 Feb Action Madison

Demanding “regime change,” this administration is laying siege to Venezuela. Washington’s deepening of sanctions, a form of economic warfare, is solely aimed at worsening an ongoing crisis in order to impose powers in Caracas favorable to US interests. US actions have served only to deepen political divisions and decrease the likelihood of a peaceful solution, as they increase hardships and suffering of the common people.

Venezuela has world’s largest known oil reserves. And that fact has more to do with US demands for “regime change” and threats of further intervention than any concerns for “democracy” or “freedom” and the “defeat of tyranny.”

US efforts to overthrow the present government will only serve to further weaken any prospects for a peaceful, democratic resolution to the crisis and leave a bitter legacy in keeping with the long history of US intervention in the region.

The revival of “Yankee imperialism” at its worst must immediately be brought to a halt. People here in the US must once again come together to counter Washington’s aggression, overt and covert, in Venezuela and elsewhere in Latin America — the necessary precondition for peace, true democracy, and security. Join in opposition and voice demands for an end to US intervention and violations of Venezuela’s national sovereignty.

Veterans for Peace: Steve Books, Bob Heussner, Joan Kemble, Brad Geyer, Dave Soumis

-U.S. Hands Off Venezuela
-NO to a “Regime Change” Coup
-NO to sanctions, oil embargo and economic warfare
-NO to military intervention by the U.S. and its regional proxies!





The event was endorsed by:

  • Womens’ International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF) -Madison
  • Madison Socialist Alternative
  • Industrial Workers of the World -Madison
  • Party for Socialism and Liberation – Madison
  • Veterans for Peace, Chapter 25 – Madison
  • Family Farm Defenders
  • Peregrine Forum
  • Wisconsin Coalition to Ground the Drones and End the Wars
  • International Socialist Organization – Madison
  • Democratic Socialists of America -Madison
  • White Rose Anti-Fascist Forum
  • Madison-Rafah Sister City Project
  • 4 Lakes Green Party
  • Union De Trabajadores Immigrantes (UTI)
  • International Marxist Tendency – Madison
  • Wisconsin Bail Out The People Movement#HandsOffVenezuela


Veterans For Peace is outraged at the unfolding coup d’etat in Venezuela, which is clearly being orchestrated by the U.S. government. Two hundred years of blatant U.S. intervention in Latin America must come to an end.

Veterans for Peace: Veterans Call to Resist U.S. Coup in Venezuela 

A Valentines Wish for Our VA Health Care


For Valentines Day, veterans from across the nation showed their appreciation for our health care by letting people know on social media.

#SaveOurVA #VeteransForPeace



Check out the Save Our VA information from VFP-National

Background on VA Privatization

There are 22 million veterans in America. Of those 22 million, 9 million are enrolled in VA care, and 7 million get some or all of their care in VA hospitals. In addition, there are 45,000 vacant positions at VA hospitals across America. Most are vacant doctor, nurse & mental health positions. As VA vacancies go up, vet care goes down.

Since 2014, when the CHOICE program began, millions of vets have been sent into the private healthcare sector, and nearly 40% of all outpatient doctor visits have been routed into private healthcare. Many vets are dissatisfied with CHOICE and wait times for some vets are as long or longer in the private sector than they are at the VA.


Check out the Veterans Healthcare Policy Institute

The Veterans Healthcare Policy Institute, formerly Fighting for Veterans Healthcare, provides a platform for voices of veterans who want to preserve and improve veterans healthcare; conducts and disseminates objective research and information about veterans healthcare; and explores and analyzes innovative ways to improve veterans healthcare.

The care we veterans get is focused in many ways on the unique challenges that veterans face:  what it was like to be in combat and intense situations like that, post traumatic stress disorder, traumatic brain injuries, exposure to chemicals like Agent Orange, exposure to depleted uranium and exposure to a multitude of chemical from the burn pits.

Study after study has shown that we like the VA and that the quality of care is better than private care.

The profiteers and their puppets seek to privatize our health care for the same reason they want to privatize the schools, the Post Office, the prisons, utilities and other assets that belong to Americans: they want to take our assets and they want to take them at the lowest possible prices.

I’m not letting go of what is mine so that some billionaires and some politicians can get richer.
If and when, privatization is accomplished, veterans will not get endless care. There will be vouchers or similar methods to limit care, much more so than today. It will become more and more about balancing budgets. It will become the same debate that they like to have with safety net programs. “We can’t afford this.” It’s a game called ‘starve the beast.’ Which is just an extension of the rich getting richer while the rest suffer.

For those who still want private care, fine, but don’t destroy our VA in order to get your care. The VA has had ways of getting private care for veterans when needed, all along.





Soldiers: A Song by Harvey Taylor

Harvey Taylor was one of the musical artists on the program for The 100th anniversary of Armistice Day observed  in the Milwaukee City Hall rotunda on Sunday, Nov. 11.

Take a look at his video for the song “Soldiers.” The video is the work of Harvey and Susan Ruggles.

Link to Youtube video “Soldiers” by Harvey Taylor

Like me, you will find some familiar faces.  – Brad Geyer

Link to Harvey Taylor Website