Since 2008, the Freedom Flotilla movement has sent 35 ships attempting to break Israel’s illegal, US-backed military blockade that has devastated Gaza and denied 2 million people –half of them children — access to food, clean water, fuel, medicine, employment and basic human dignity for 13 years.
The Freedom Flotilla Coalition is composed of civil society organizations and initiatives from many countries. We have been challenging the illegal and inhumane Israeli blockade of Gaza for many years and are committed to continuing the struggle until the blockade is unconditionally lifted and Palestinian people everywhere realize their full rights.
On Wednesday and Thursday July 24 and 25th, the Madison-Rafah Sister City Project (MRSCP) welcomes the Gaza Freedom Flotilla’s North American Boat to Gaza campaign to Madison with two days of activities.
On Wednesday evening, a pontoon will give visibility to the crisis in Gaza on Lake Mendota offshore from the Union Terrace and The Edgewater. We will also be leafleting the crowd on shore.
Anyone interested in helping with these efforts in Madison, please email [email protected]
On Thursday, former flotilla participants Kathy Kelly (Voices for Creative Non-Violence) and Kit Kittredge (NA Boat to Gaza Campaign) will talk about Gaza, the importance of the flotilla and plans for the next international sailing in 2020 at 7 pm at James Reeb Unitarian Congregation, 2146 E. Johnson Street, Madison.
This free event will feature a display of Gaza children’s artwork as well as refreshments & dessert including baklawa; donations to benefit the Flotilla and another Maia Project clean water system for kids in Rafah will be appreciated.
For more information, contact MRSCP at [email protected] ,The Madison-Rafah Sister City Project, or check out the face book event, The Gaza Freedom Flotilla Comes to Madison!.
Welcomed by WORT RADIO. (Kit Kittredge and Kathy Kelly, fresh from the Freedom Flotilla’s activities in Chicago, will be interviewed live on WORT’s A Public Affair by host Allen Ruff from noon-1 pm on Thursday 7-25.
Kathy Kelly will also be a guest on The Morning Buzz with Jan Miyasaki between 8 and 8:30 am on Wednesday 7-24 … tune in at 89.9 fm or listen live on line.)
Note: If you can’t attend but would like to support either the Flotilla or the Maia Project, you can donate as follows:
Flotilla: Online donations here.
Or send a check payable to Nonviolence International with “US Boat to Gaza” in the memo line to:
Nonviolence International (for Ship to Gaza 2020)
4000 Albermarle Street, NW, Suite 401
Washington D.C. 20016.
Maia Project: Online donations here.
Or save the online fee and send a check payable to MRSCP marked “water” to:
P.O. Box 5214
Madison, WI 53705