Category Archives: Clarence Kailin Chapter 25

40th Anniversary: The War at Home Movie, Orpheum – Sun, October 13

Time: 6 p.m. on Sunday, October 13
Place: The Orpheum Theater, 216 State St., Madison

Co-Director Glenn Silber will be in attendance to introduce the film and participate in a panel discussion on the lessons and legacy of the Antiwar Movement – “The War at Home: Then & Now” following the screening. Journalist John Nichols will moderate the panel.
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Fifty years ago, activists across the country spoke out against the war.

“The Moratorium to End the War in Vietnam” was a massive demonstration and teach-in across the United States (including 15,000 demonstrating in Madison and several Wisconsin cities) against the United States involvement in the Vietnam War. It took place on October 15, 1969, followed a month later by the National Moratorium in Washington on Nov. 15, 1969, attracted more than 500,000 antiwar protesters, which many active-duty GIs in Vietnam supported.

These events are among the many important events of the Antiwar Movement documented in the film The War at Home.

The War at Home
Directors Glenn Silber and Barry Alexander Brown, USA, 1979, 100 min. A Catalyst Media Productions release.
This meticulously constructed 1979 film recounts the development of the movement against the American war in Vietnam on the Madison campus of the University of Wisconsin, from 1963 to 1970. Using carefully assembled archival and news footage and thoughtful interviews
with many of the participants, it culminates in the 1967 Dow Chemical sit-in and the bombing of the Army Math Research Center three years later.


One of the great works of American documentary movie making, The War at Home has also become a time capsule of the moment of its own making, a welcome emanation from the era of analog editing, and a timely reminder of how much power people have when they take to the streets in protest.

For info on this award-winning film go to: 

For more information on the Oct. 13, 2019 Benefit Screening Contact: Norman Stockwell at The Progressive at 608-257-4626.
Tickets available at the Orpheum Theater box office and online through Ticketmaster.

The War at Home – Facebook Event  

34th International Kite Fly for Peace: Fitchburg – Sun, Oct 13

One Sky One World Kite Festival
34th International Kite Fly for Peace

Ray’s Rainbow Delta Over Monona


Sunday, October 13, 2019
McKee Farms Park, Fitchburg, WI

In early October, kite fliers from over 50 countries lift their kites into the wind expressing hope for peace and environmental harmony. This spirit recognizes and celebrates the rich cultural heritage of kite flying as a positive statement for promoting peace, international understanding and a sustainable planet.

Activities between 11:00 and 4:00 p.m., include:
♦ Many beautiful kites flown by regional kite fliers
♦ Banners and ground displays
♦ Surprises in the wind
♦ Kite making for kids from 1:00 – 2:00

Bring your kites, friends and picnic lunches. McKee Farms Park is at 5700 Chapel Valley Rd., just off Fish Hatchery Rd. and McKee Rd. Exit at Fish Hatchery Road off the Hwy 12-18 Beltline (south side of Madison) and head south about 2½ miles on Fish Hatchery. After crossing McKee Rd. take the next right at the Summit Credit Union. Watch for kite festival signs.

Map to McKee Farms

For more details, contact Paul at 271-8265, [email protected]
or Ray at 663-5822, [email protected]


Willy Street Fair

Veterans for Peace were on hand to celebrate the second day of the 42nd Annual Willy Street Fair in Madison  on Saturday September 15.

Steve Books, dedicated peace activist marching along with the Willy Street Parade with another fan of peace.

“The official end to the busy festival season arrives with two days of magical hippie fairy dust sprinkled along several blocks of Madison’s weirdo territory, as well as a host of local, national and international acts on multiple stages. ” – Isthmus

The Fair raised money for the Wil-Mar Neighborhood Center and Common Wealth Development.

More pictures from the Wisconsin State Journal.


Madison Veterans for Peace opposes bringing F-35s to Madison

Capital Times Newspaper Op-Ed Column
John Fournelle: Madison Veterans for Peace opposes bringing F-35s to Madison

Second from left.

[John is an associate member of Veterans for Peace.  VFP has both veteran and non-veteran members.  The chapters are required to be at  least 80% military veterans.]




Safe Skies Clean Water Wisconsin

When I opened a recent copy of the Wisconsin State Journal, I found that Madison is being considered as the future “home” of the latest aerial war-fighting machine, the F-35A. The public is invited to comment on its “environmental impact” over the next month.

I would find that somewhat incongruous if it were not such deadly serious business. Looking up the F-35A, I found that it is a combination stealth fighter and bomber, and can carry several B61 nuclear bombs with a range of less than one kiloton of explosive mayhem to 50 kilotons. That seems to be a lot of environmental impact, when compared to the 12-kiloton bomb dropped on Hiroshima.

Is the hundreds of billions dollar cost of this latest child of the military-industrial complex worth it? As a low-flying stealth bomber capable of carrying nukes, it is an extremely risky and potentially destabilizing war machine in an already unstable world, whether you consider the Middle East, the near east, or the far east. One error in deciphering a tense situation could set off a nuclear tit-for-tat that would produce the worst environmental impact statement of all. One only has to read nuclear war planner Dan Ellsberg’s recent “The Doomsday Machine” to learn of the horrors American cities could experience, and that we have been living on the brink.

The Pentagon has hyped the F-35 as a “computer that happens to fly,” and Lockheed Martin says there are 8 million lines of software code which control weapons deployment, communications, radar and flight controls. Given the extent of computer hacking continuously going on, what could anyone have to fear with a flying computer carrying nuclear weapons?

Every year at the end of May, Madison Veterans for Peace and supporters set into place thousands of tombstone replicas along Atwood Avenue in Olbrich Park. There are almost 7,000, the number of U.S. service members killed in Afghanistan and Iraq (and the war still goes on). We do this to increase public awareness of one of the costs of war — the loss of life. And if there were tombstones for the civilians killed, they would stretch around Lake Monona.

Another mission of Veterans for Peace is to end the arms race and to reduce and eventually eliminate nuclear weapons, and to abolish war as an instrument of national policy. We do not want to see nuclear-enabled stealth fighter bombers stationed here in Madison — or anywhere, for that matter. Come to the public hearing at 5 p.m. on Sept. 12, at the Exhibition Hall of the Alliant Energy Center.

“In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist. We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes.”

Dwight Eisenhower,  Farewell Address to the Nation

January 17, 1961